Now you won’t get lost in the search.
Familiar situation: you start looking for one thing, and as a result of unnecessary clicks you find yourself on a site that is not related to your first request. For example, you’ve typed in a search for #8220; how to learn how to draw #8221; and clicked on the first promising link. While watching the first site, you see the second link on a similar topic and move on to it. Then other information on the same site seemed to you very interesting, so you clicked on the next link. This can continue until you forget what you were looking for initially or want to return to the information at the first link. But how to find it?
It is possible to return to the results of the initial search thanks to a special option in Safari – #8220; SnapBack’s search results #8221; This tool has been around for a long time, but few people know about it. Its function is to instantly get back to where you started and save time on new searches.
The quick return option is in the menu line Safari , in the tab “ The history of the #8221 #8221 #8220; Or press a combination of keys Command-Option-S . The team will immediately return you to the initial search.
But there are two conditions under which this tool works:
The next time you get lost in endless links, use #8220; SnapBack’s search results #8221; to instantly return to the top of the search.
See also:
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